State-run news agency, SANA, reported that People’s Assembly held its 9th session in which the Assembly saluted the Army on the occasion of the Army Day. The Assembly Speaker hailed the victories achieved by the heroes of the army and armed forces in the fight against armed terrorist organizations and added that the sacrifices of members of the army prove their commitment to their homeland and their loyalty for Syria and its people.
The very name people’s assembly is expected to reflect the real opinion of the people such an assembly represents. The parliament, usually elected by the people, mirrors people’s sufferings and concerns. In Syria, however, this assembly, being appointed by Assad and his junta, represents no one other than the Assad regime and its echelon.
How on earth can anyone expect Syrians to salute an army that is killing, besieging and displacing them, destroying their country and seeking the support of foreign forces to further perpetrate massacres and to further humiliate civilians? The irony is that Ms. Speaker is talking about victory and noble acts referring to Assad terrorists as heroes!
Assad army became no more than a puppet in the hands of the terrorist who proved to be ready to sell all Syria, its people and its sovereignty, in return for maintaining the chair.
The agency reports the speaker claiming that Assad army is fighting against armed terrorist organizations and their supporters. Obviously, the speaker believes that all Syrians are terrorists and it is legal to target them with all kinds of weapons even the internationally prohibited ones.
If we assume for the sake of argument that this army is fighting armed groups, why are hundreds of thousands of civilians being killed by Assad terrorists and his visitors, mainly Russia and Hezbollah?
Why are Assad, Russia and their supporting militias targeting hospitals, camps and civilians in Aleppo and elsewhere in Syria?
The speaker believes this army is loyal to Syria and its people. Saying this means one of two things. Either she is totally brain washed as proved by this nonsense or most probably she is one of Assad’s coterie. The latter is more likely simply because only in Syria the parliament represents the head of the regime rather than the people.
The world has to know that is it is the Syrian people that deserves respect because it is the real hero fighting Assad terrorists to maintain Syria’s sovereignty and to stop Assad’s evil acts of destruction and massacres.