Violent clashes took place on Friday evening, which continued until Saturday morning, between the regime and its loyal militias with the rebels in Biot Mahana, west of Aleppo
The revolutionary factions in west of Aleppo, could make the forces of regime and its loyal militias suffered from heavy losses in the area of Muhanna houses west of the city, after fierce battles between the two sides; led to the death and wounding more than 10 elements of its forces, while the rebels targeted heavy artillery and homemade rockets, sites of regime west of the city.
For its part, the Syrian and Russian warplanes retaliated by targeting civilian houses in the towns and villages of western Aleppo countryside with rockets and cluster bombs. “The city of Daza Azza and Urum Kupra and Kafarnaha” resulted in the injury of dozens of civilians as well as the destruction of civilian property.
It is noteworthy that the forces of regime and its militias failed on all fronts that tried to advance in the western and southern countryside of Aleppo.
Syrian Press Center