• June witnessed a significant escalation of conflict across Syria and the subsequent pattern of new and deepening humanitarian needs could continue and even intensify through July unless Geneva talks regain traction.
• In Syria in June UNICEF reached around 96,690 people in seven besieged areas and more than 279,600 people in 38 hard-to-reach locations with life-saving and critical services.
• The cross-border round of the nation-wide immunization campaign is ongoing in Syria and as of June reached around 722,000 children.
• Across the Syria crisis countries in 2016, UNICEF and partners reached over 20,000 children U5 with polio vaccinations and delivered hygiene promotion sessions and/or hygiene kits to over one million beneficiaries. 694,746 children were enrolled in formal education and 313,594 in non-formal/informal education.
• UNICEF increased its 2016 appeal by US$9,156,505 following the 3RP mid-year review to meet increasing humanitarian needs for Syrian refugee children. The UNICEF appeals (HRP and 3RP) remain at a 35 per cent funding gap (counting 2015 carry over) with critical areas including early recovery, basic needs, health and nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene