After listening to NBC’s Bill Neely speak to Bashar Assad for almost 45 minutes on Thursday the word that I couldn’t get out of my mind is consistent.
For more than five years now Assad has remained consistent — consistently arrogant and egotistical, consistently dishonest and delusional, and consistently unfazed by the reality that he has turned Syria into hell on earth for the majority of the Syrian people.
Not once during the entire interview did he speak about the Syrian people except in the context of implying that they love and support him.
“Syria’s future is decided by the Syrian people without any external interference” he said and later added that if the Syrian people did not want him he would leave ‘today’.
He consistently chooses to ignore that fact that more than five years ago the majority of Syrians stood up and faced his bullets to tell him exactly that!
Instead of showing any respect for those who have been killed in Syria, Assad consistently refers to all his victims as terrorists and immoral opportunists who asked foreigners to destroy Syria and kill its people and reserves his praise for Putin saying he was a man with morality who came to his aid because they share the same values.
Assad claimed that Russian intervention in Syria had unmasked the fact that Obama was not really serious about fighting ISIS and that he was secretly supporting them because his real agenda was to remove him from power.
Oh how the Syrian people and their supporters wish Assad was telling the truth for once about Obama’s intent to dethrone him!
But the consistent reality which Assad cannot hide with his lies is that Russia has dropped more bombs on civilian targets in areas not occupied by ISIS — unmasking Putin’s real purpose of helping Assad to stay comfortably seated on his despicable dunce chair in Damascus.
When asked if Trump’s statements about banning Muslims in the US upset him Assad said “Yes, especially in Syria. It’s a country made of many, many religions and sects and ethnicities.
“We think this diversity is richness, not the opposite…Anyone shouldn’t make any discriminative rhetoric in any country. I don’t believe in this kind of rhetoric, of course.”
One has to wonder what kind of rhetoric Assad does believe in since it is obvious to more than half the population of Syria whose homes and lives have been destroyed that he is consistently determined to continue his ‘ethnic cleansing’ in order to reduce what was once the majority Sunni population to a more manageable minority.
When Neely asked him about killing Syrian children, Assad demanded to know where those children were from and who they belonged to — as if that justified the fact they were killed. And in the next breath he claimed as he has consistently done for more than five years, that photos which implicate he is guilty of murdering innocent civilians are fakes and merely propaganda aimed at discrediting him.
He has apparently forgotten his corrupt regime’s rhetorical slogans that were consistently repeated to those who were willing to sacrifice their lives rather than continue living with its brutal hands wrapped around their collective necks — but we haven’t: “Assad or we burn Syria” — “Starve or kneel” — “Vote for Assad or die”
These slogans, along with the propaganda of a host of puppet writers who consistently tout the rhetoric of Assad being Syria’s savior from the tyranny of a corrupt world, unmasked his own immoral motives and the ‘values’ he shares with Putin.
And not to be outdone by his past performances Assad responded to Neely’s question of how he would like history to remember him by saying, “I hope that history will see me as the man who protected ‘his’ country; from the terrorists, from the intervention, and saved the sovereignty and integrity of ‘his’ land.”
Aside from the obvious inconsistencies of Assad’s predictably delusional response there is one thing we hope that the world will recognize — that in spite of what Assad believes to the contrary, Syria does NOT belong to him!
Syria first and foremost belongs to the Syrian people who have paid for their freedom with their blood.
Syria belongs to those who have been maliciously driven out of their homeland and long to return to the land of their birth.
Syria belongs to the children who have been left orphaned, homeless and traumatized by a government that swore to protect them.
Assad, Syria is not some piece of property you can destroy at will and then never be held accountable.
Syria is the people whose sovereignty you have violated over and over again for your own gain.
And history will not remember you as a hero, but as the Butcher of Damascus who ran roughshod over the Syrian people and smashed the cradle of civilization under his tyrannical boot heel for the sake of his daddy’s chair.