How painful it is to search among the carnage of accumulated bodies inside the sacks dropped on the side of the side near the hospital looking for a member of your family; During that one keep repeating in your heart ” Please Allah I hope he is not among them” till you reach the last body with this hope this one is not your beloved.
This was Mayas case who is aged 17 years old where after her father being late for coming home time after the Russian military fighters committed a horrific massacre in a market in Idlib city yesterday on Wednesday where the death toll is almost 20 martyrs and dozens wounded some of .them suffer from severe injuries besides missing who have not been found yet.
Mayas went out accompanied by her friend to search for his father with her heart shaking out of fear; her mother and sisters are in Homs so that she stayed with her father. She reached The Red Crescent hospital and stated to search among the bodies till she reached the last one uncovering it to be shocked with it; wounds and blood have misshaped his beautiful face. Due to this great shock, she herself could not admit his death, so she cried and said: “no.. no this is not my father.. he is still alive, I am sure of that.. no way he can leave me alone.. he loves me”.
Mayas was not able to comprehend what had happened with her eyes refusing to shed one tear. What she had seen of blood and carnage of a human being made her absent in this world which is out of humanity and mercy.
Probably what had happened in Idlib city yesterday is hard to be believed with no words to describe it. I t was planned by brutal warplanes where for two days no raid was carried out in the city in order to give a sense of safety to civilians after they did not get out of their house for more than one week fearing bombardment. After halting airstrikes for two days they opened their shops with people starting to go out, but warplanes launched rage on them claiming innocent souls.
Mayas and her friend took her father’s body to buried him quickly fearing military fighters which was flying. She said with remorse: ” It is because of me .. I wish I did not let you go to the market.. It is my fault.. I should have did not let you go”.
Although she blames herself but Fate has chosen him to die. There is no other honored death than this; he was praying the five times in the nearby mosque. He went out after Althohor time to die after it and got martyred with blood washing the heart of humanity haters.
Mayas sat near her father’s grave unable to crelling her fry while telling her friend: “Dad asked me not to cry if he died for it is not accepted to cry on martyrs, I know that my father is going to be in heaven, he is in a lovely place with no warplanes or fear, He is the most merciful”.
By Samah Khaled
Translated by Sabah Najem