36-year old Abo Yahiya, a displaced from Moadamiyat al-Sham living in Idlib city, and his wife have waited for nine months for their newborn Haneen.
Everything occurred according to what has been planned; the hospital in which the mother delivered is equipped with the necessary supplies regarding childbirth issues, except for modern incubators. It is worthy to mention the efforts of the medical staff that is known for content and good manners.
With pain and tears longing for homeland, the wife spent the few hours before giving birth. She sometimes cried missing her beloved people in the wake of dire circumstances seperating them; while in another times, she cried in joy looking forward to seeing her child.
Hospitals in Idlib city and its countryside recorded childbeds of Syrian displaced women and others from the city in the last three months in al-Kindy hospital, where Health Public Facility expects the cases will get doubled in the next months due to the high rate of checks in the city hospitals, particularly the delivering hospitals.
Birth and women specialized midwife in al-Kindy hospital Om Nidal, who is a displaced from Aleppo city, declared to Syrian Press Center: “the number of checks to the hospital has recently increased remarkably due to the rise of their number in the area and their need for treatment”. “Childbirth and women department has witnessed continual check of pregnant ladies because they can not afford the costs of delivering in special hospitals due to the dire living circumstances and absence of basic needs of life”, she added.
“Giving birth in the hospital does not entail any costs offering medicine for free, where the managing staff is keen on providing the medicine and keeping the daily hospital cleanness, in addition to paying attention to the psychological state of pregnant ladies”, she proceeded.
She pointed out that natural delivering and Caesarean sections are run in the hospital where she has delivered babies of many displaced ladies from Homs, Aleppo and Ghotah where the staff services those ladies for free after free checks during pregnancy. Besides, they offer free treatment for babies.
Many Syrian refugees are going through dire living circumstances amid shortage of aids and few job oppertunities to be added to longing for homeland.Yet, life goes on as hope sparks with the coming of newborn babies such as Haneen of displaced parents.
by Bayan al-Ahmad
translated by Sabah Najem
Syrian Press Center