Education is the first brick in constructing any humanitarian society, only with education communities and nations can progress achieving the object of their existence creating their own civilization. It is commonly known that education needs stability; so that education in war woes is the most affected where all war crisis are reflected on education process, its stages, effectiveness and the need for it.
Nowadays in the circumstances that Syria is going through considering that brutal war, Assad and his allies seek what the Pope of Europe and his feudal lords in the middle ages to spread ignorance and nescience, in addition to the what Assad’s forces spread of ruin, destruction, diseases, and woes; he is responsible for those in a way or another.
He is completely aware of the fact that when the Syrian people launches on the right road developing their awareness and enriching their knowledge, the Syrian people comes to realize the dirty game that has been carried out by Assad and his father before him for 40 years. The Syrian people becomes aware of the necessity to set free from his oppression. Assad’s opinion is that the people needs to be brought back to ignorance pursuing a methodological plan that he has applied since the outbreak of the Syrian revolution. Followers remarkably notify escalating the bombardment in the last few days pursuing two techniques the first is targeting schools understructure along with their students and staff, the second is kidnapping children by organ traders.
Starting with targeting schools; in figures, authentication office in the Syrian Press Center has documented till two days 9 educational service centers which have been bombed by regime forces and its Russian ally since the onset of the current month. This comes in the fierce campaign launched by warplanes and helicopters on the areas held by rebellion factions, the schools are classified in accordance to the perpetrators:
5 centers by regime forces, 3 by Russian military fighters and 1 by national coalition jets. No one can forget the horrifying massacre committed by regime warplanes targeting a school in Hass village weeks ago where the causalities was up to 35 martyrs most of them children in the school that was shelled with 8 missiles at once.
This massacre has shaken with its brutality world conciseness- who unfortunately- died on the first day of the Syrian revolution. What does make Assad and his allies bombed these schools? Are these locations of ISIL or strongholds of rebels, or are they headquarters of Al-Nosra Front?!
Actually the main object here is denying our children education through spreading panic among parents and finding a kind of phobia in students about schools so that they stop attending school; with repeated shelling of the schools, officials in liberated areas will announce closing schools in concern with students and staff’s lives where Assad achieves his goal spreading ignorance. Considering those who has the guts to challenge Assad and his allies, recent reports talk of persons who work for Assad applying his agenda by kidnapping children while going or returning from their school, or even at day light. We are a simple Arabic people who can easily convinced with rumors that there are organic traders in order parents will not sent their kids to school. What is so ironical here is that the Syrian children are more likely available for organic trade than any other children in any country.
Our children are available for organic trade in Lebanon and Jordan in which 70 percent of Syrian refugees are living beyond poverty line.
Who consider the issue from all its aspects, realizes that what is happening in liberated areas are attempts to terrify for till the moment no kidnapping case or gone for surgery against his will, were recorded. They are regime agents who work on terrifying the citizens to find home is the suitable place for our children.
To conclude, targeting schools and rumors of kidnapping force us to lick our children in ignorance before utter silence of the international community.
By Shadya Alrai
Translated by Sabah Najem