As soon as the news of an attempted coup taking place in Turkey against Erdogan’s government was released, Assad’s Shabiha – Alawite groups of armed militia in support of the Assad family – took to the streets in Syria and recklessly shot gunfire in the air to show their support of the attempted coup, considering it a “victory” for Assad.
As they attempted to celebrate in their own careless way in Syria’s capital, the reckless bullets killed one civilian on Meza highway while injuring 4, of whom included a woman and a child.
It was also reported that Assad’s Shabiha also threw grenades as they celebrated the coup which had not even been declared successful yet.
In addition to the reckless fire, Assad’s Shabiha used social media to express their joy through pro-Assad Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. Many congratulated each other on the “downfall” of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), describing it as a “joyous” moment that the Syrian people have not tasted in 6 years.
The celebrations came ahead of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declaring on Saturday the failure of the attempted coup in Turkey, adding that the perpetrators will be punished regardless of the institutions to which they belong.
Erdogan asserted that those behind this attempt were supporters of Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish preacher and founder of the Gulen movement and currently liveing in self-imposed exile in the US.