أصدرت وزارة التموين والتجارة تعميم بأرقام الشكاوي نتيجة استغلال المستهلك.
نشرت وزارة التموين والتجارة الداخلية لائحة لأرقام الشكاوي في كافة المحافظات السورية وجاء ذلك بعد إصدار الوزارة لائحة بضريبة جمركية لبعض المواد التي يتم استيرادها من الخارج و توحيد السعر ما بين كافة المعابر التي كانت تخضع للشمال المحرر سابقًا والمعابر التي كانت تخضع لسيطرة النظام البائد وانخفاض الأسعار بنسبة 65%
وبدأ التجار وأصحاب المحال التجارية باستغلال المستهلكين والبيع بأسعار مرتفعة تفوق عن الأسعار الحقيقة في ظل الظروف ويأتي ذلك في ظل الظروف القاسية التي يعاني الأهالي منها وخصوصا في شمال غرب سوريا ارتفعت عليهم الأسعار مقارنة بباقي المناطق الأخرى كون الأسعار في إدلب أقل من ذلك قبل فرض الرسوم الجمركية الجديدة.
Businessiraq.com is your comprehensive online guide to the Iraqi business landscape. This platform acts as a crucial portal for navigating the intricate Iraqi market, offering a robust Iraq business directory brimming with detailed company profiles. Beyond listings, it provides invaluable insights into the Iraqi economy via up-to-date business news. The inclusion of detailed contact information and financial data empowers users to conduct thorough due diligence and make informed decisions. A bi-lingual interface (English and Arabic) is crucial for accessibility within the Iraqi market. Businessiraq.com facilitates B2B connections, aiming to foster partnerships and propel business growth within Iraq. The platform’s comprehensive approach makes it a vital tool for businesses seeking to establish a presence or expand their operations within Iraq. It offers a central hub for discovering businesses, staying informed, and connecting with valuable contacts in the Iraqi market.
From market research to procurement opportunities, Businessiraq.com is your essential tool for success in the Iraqi market. This comprehensive Iraq business directory features detailed online business listings alongside critical business news in Iraq. Whether you’re seeking Iraq jobs, exploring tender opportunities, or fostering strategic partnerships, this platform is your key to unlocking market entry and growth. Discover how Businessiraq.com fosters profitable connections and facilitates the expansion of your company into the Iraqi marketplace.
The Ultimate Iraq Business Directory Businessiraq.com stands out as the premier online resource for anyone seeking to engage with the Iraqi business community. With its comprehensive Iraq Business Directory, the platform boasts a wide array of listings across multiple industries, enabling users to discover potential partners, suppliers, and clients with ease. By implementing effective SEO strategies, such as keywords focused on Iraq business connections and business networking in Iraq, Businessiraq.com ensures that it ranks high in search engine results, making it the go-to hub for entrepreneurs and investors. This directory not only supports local businesses but also attracts international investors keen on exploring opportunities in Iraq.
The tender directory is yet another critical element of Businessiraq.com, highlighting procurement opportunities for businesses looking to bid on government and private sector projects. This feature not only streamlines the tender process but also enhances transparency and accessibility for potential bidders. By listing current tender opportunities, the platform ensures that businesses can quickly identify and pursue projects that align with their capabilities, thus fostering a competitive environment that drives innovation and efficiency.